Thursday, March 29, 2007

Photography Business - Competition or Collaboration

Photography Business - Competition or Collaboration

Most people go into business, and hide all of their ideas from their competition. They may join industry related groups, but they keep their core ideas and concepts hidden and well protected. After you've been in business a while, you soon discover that there is more business out there than is humanly possible to cover with one business. Instead, it's much more exciting to join up with other businesses, and combine efforts to create a truly exciting business. Competition holds you down. Collaboration lets you fly higher than the stars. Just today I spoke with what some may consider to be my competitor. However, he is focusing his efforts in a completely different direction. But he offers some side products that would combine with mine, and offer incredible tools to our clients. Instead of looking at him as competition, I'm now piecing part of his products with mine, and providing us both with increased sales potential. Win/win for both businesses. How can you link up with your competition, and provide incredible services for your clients?

Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Marketing your photography business

Marketing On The Internet Who would have ever imagined a couple of years ago that a new wave of marketing was emerging on the professional photographer. When we were first introduced to the Internet, a world of possibilities opened up to us. The Internet has so much to offer for such a small price. We jumped on for the ride of our lives!

Update Your Logo Today

To begin creating your own home page, you must first choose your domain name. Domain names are your address - this will be how your clients find you. Your domain name should be short and concise and relate specifically to you and your business, such as Because a domain name is your address, you should use it like your address and post it everywhere: brochures, business cards, letters, advertisements. Don’t hide your Web address within the text of your letters or brochures. Post it as a stand alone similar to your phone number. Also, remember to give your Web address out to telephone inquiries. You give out your studio’s address and directions on how to find you. Why not tell them how to find you on the Web!

As you build your Web site, remember people use the Internet to research anything and everything, at a time that is convenient for them. Therefore, the most useful thing you can give them is information. Imagine your Web site from your clients perspective - what would you look for? Because photography is visual, your Web site can be a wonderful tool to show them what you do best - photograph. Prospective clients can view your portfolio at their leisure, and can contact you through e-mail when they are interested in talking with you more.

You can also use your Web site for your current clients by putting together small portfolios from each wedding. This will allow your clients to view their photographs in a matter of days, and will build their excitement for when they come in to make their final selections. It will also build excitement with friends and family who may not have otherwise viewed your photography. Once you begin marketing your Web address, you must be willing to maintain your Web site on a continual basis.

People often browse Web sites over and over again if they know you change your site often. Change entices them to visit on a regular basis, and may help them to make the decision to contact you for more information. One important feature that you should build into your Web site is a link to ask for more information, either through your e-mail or a fill-in-the-blank form. This will allow potential clients to quickly ask for more information when they are interested in your services. Then check regularly to see if you have messages.

The Internet provides information quickly. The quicker you respond to any inquiries, the more impressed your clients will be. Finally, have fun with your Web site. If it’s fun to design, it will be fun to view. People enjoy being entertained as they gain the knowledge they are looking for. Imagine how easy your initial consultation will be if they are excited about you and your photographs before they have even met with you!

Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

New Photography Site I'm Contributing To

Exciting news! I'm a new contributing expert for Rat Race Rebellion! As a photographer with 20 years of experience, they've decided to make me their expert on starting a photography business. I have an incredible profile up:

And starting in April I will be moderating the bulletin board on photography. I'm excited to be a part of this growing community!


Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Photography Business Create Your Time-Option Plan

List all of your products and/or services down on a piece of paper. Then rank them according to how much of your total business each product/service represents to your business.

Choose your top selling products and services, and find ways of making them into time-option sales. Find ways of creating unique monthly clubs. Find services that will benefit the purchaser by buying several instead of one. Then package them up in attractive ways that will allow the buyer to save money by purchasing it in bulk. Reward your client by offering better deals in package plans, and reward yourself by increasing your sales within your business. Win/win for everyone!

Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Find Wedding Photography Competitions Secrets

Photo Competitions Photo Competitions - One way of building up your business is by competing in competitions, and using your awards for PR within your client and potential client target market.
Add A Flash Intro To Your Site Today. Click Here

Awards make your name more valuable. It proves you have the talent to bring in better clients and better profits through higher valued photographs. Begin by entering award competitions. Many different organizations offer photo competitions.

Awards make your name more valuable. It proves you have the talent to bring in better clients and better profits through higher valued photographs. Begin by entering award competitions. Many different organizations offer photo competitions.

Start with these:

  • WPPI PPA As you win awards, make sure you create press releases, and send them to your PR list:

  • Local newspapers Trade journal and publications Your venders and suppliers Post them on your website

  • Send postcards or newsletters to your client database

Winning awards are important, but only if you use them to further the advancement of your business.

Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Project Your Photography Studio Into The Future

Project Yourself Into The Future
Everyone I have talked to is saying the same thing - things are tough out there! People just aren't spending their hard earned dollars on anything at the moment. Go into any store or restaurant. It's quiet. People are staying around their homes. Doing things with their families that don't cost a lot of money. I'm there, and you probably are too. So what can we do to get through these tough times? Plan for the future!

Nothing lasts forever. We won't be in this current situation for a long period of time. We will change. We will change as people, and our businesses and what we buy will change. Everything will change. So what can you do today? Focus on where we will be tomorrow. With each passing day come new opportunities. Your goal as a marketer is to foresee those trends, and change your life and your business to match the direction of the trends? What are people looking for in their products and services?

Take travel for instance. People aren't traveling around the country as much as they were a couple of years ago. But people still want vacations - they are just more nervous of leaving "home". So consider putting together mini-vacations for people right in your own area. A hotel can partner up with a number of businesses to create a spectacular "mini-vacation". Consider putting together a 2-night stay in a suite for 2, plus 2 theater tickets, restaurant certificates, a gift basket with luxurious treats from several local shops, spa certificate. You get the idea. Put together incredible deals for the people in your local market, and create a memorable experience - one they will refer to the people they know from out of town as well. The key to surviving downturns is to change who you are focusing your sales on. A lot of times, your client of today is completely different than your client from 2 years ago. Don't lose sight that they can change. Learn how to refocus - and to survive and prosper!

Helping your photography business, how to start a digital wedding photography business and wedding photography business visit and keep up-to-date with all of the photography happenings via our free newsletter.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wedding Photography Business Marketing Plans

Finding ways of growing your wedding photography business can become a difficult task at times. Competition is extreme within the wedding photography studio business and profit margins can become very thin. We have found a way for a studio to grow into a very profitable and well known in the industry. The goal is to market your way to the top! We have put together multiple marketing plans, including wedding photography business, that will help a struggling studio and grow sales quickly.