Sunday, February 18, 2007

Market you Photography Business in 2007

How much time do you spend on getting new clients?

How much time do you spend keeping your existing clients happy?

Most small businesses spend a great deal of their marketing efforts getting new clients. But that is the one area that takes the most effort. To get someone brand new to accept your company, and decide to purchase from you takes a huge amount of effort, both financially and physically.

But creating a referral source out of someone whom already has a relationship with you is a far easier way of using your marketing dollars.

They love you. They're happy with your service. They know how you work and what type of service you provide. And they have friends.

Spend you marketing dollars wisely, and have your existing customers work for you.

Send newsletters.

Send customer appreciation promotions.

Ask for a referral.

Provide thank you gifts.

Network with them.

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